Birthstone Guide
Birthstones are gems associated with each month of the year. Each birthstone has a unique meaning and carries personal and historical significance. They make the best gifts and are perfect for those looking for meaningful pieces of jewelry.

Garnet is the stone of January. From the sizzling orange Mandarin Garnet to the lush green Tsavorite Garnet or the fiery red Pyrope Garnet, Garnets come in many colors. These strikingly beautiful stones stimulate the senses and increase vitality. It is a symbol of trust, friendship, passion, health, peace. Garnet is believed to offer protection and keep the wearer safe during travel.

Amethyst, the birthstone of February, radiates the most attractive shade of purple, and blends of violet and red. Amethyst is associated with a balanced mindset. They offer wisdom, strengthen relationships and bring its wearer courage. Amethyst comes in varying hues of purple and symbolizes royalty, power, and dominance.

Aquamarine, the birthstone of March, is the symbol of youth, hope, fidelity, and health. The gemstones come in mesmerizing hues of blue ranging from light blues of the sky to deep blues of the sea. Their calming color aids in meditation, and helps the wearer clear their minds and gain clarity, calm, and serenity.

The birthstone of April is the most durable gemstone found in nature, Diamond. It symbolizes eternal love and devotion. Diamond is harder than any other mineral found in nature and comes in a wide range of colors. Although, the most popular ones are colorless. White diamonds depict elegance and gracefulness. This gem is believed to increase energy, treat vertigo, dizziness and detoxify the body.
May | Emerald

The May birthstone is Emerald. It symbolizes rebirth, love, and fertility. It has vivid colors of nature and possesses qualities that prevent illness, detoxify the liver and improve overall health and wellness. This rare gemstone is found in the farthest corner of the Earth. Its value is correlated with the deep vivid green hues.

Pearl and Alexandrite are the combined birthstones for those born in June. Pearl is a symbol of purity and innocence. It is known to guard against anxious and nervous thoughts and can treat digestive disorders. Pearls signify loyalty, friendship, and faithfulness. Alexandrite is also correlated with June and is one of the rarest and most desired gemstones. It signifies love. This attractive gem changes color according to the shades of light.

Ruby is one of the rarest and most precious stones. It is also known as the king of gemstones. Rubies represent the color of love and heart. They symbolize passion, wisdom, and love. It is believed to increase energy and bring more wealth and love to its wearer. The value of a Ruby increases based on its color and quality.

August claims two birthstones, Spinel and Peridot. Spinel has an exceptional variety of colors and is believed to alleviate sadness and instill protection. Peridot is a lime green gemstone that relieves stress, calms anger, and protects the wearer from negativity. Both gems are a symbol of power, fame, success and inspiration.

The birthstone of September, Sapphire, is not only desired because of its pure shades of rich blue, but also because it represents trust, friendship, loyalty, and integrity. It is said that the gem protects the wearer from harm and envy. It is considered a great gift of protection to the ones closest to your heart.

October also claims two birthstones; Opal and Tourmaline. Opal is a unique stone that features a mesmerizing amalgamation of beautiful colors. Opals signify luck, fortune, hope, and faith. They are believed to help the wearer repel sadness and envy. Tourmaline, in contrast, is thought to relieve stress and increase mental alertness. Both gems are popular for their healing and restorative qualities.

Topaz and Citrine are the birthstones of November. Topaz is found in different shades of pink and blue, but the most desired one is in its coral shade of orange. Citrine is a variety of quartz known for its healing properties to provide vitality and energy. It is believed to be a symbol of good luck that attracts wealth and prosperity.

December birthdays are associated with three gemstones, Tanzanite, Turquoise, and Zircon. The three gemstones come in the shade of the earth – blue. Blue Topaz is believed to bring relaxation, honor, and wisdom to the wearer, Tanzanite has a vibrant blue-purple color. It is thought to be a stone that promotes truth, dignity, wisdom, and spiritual mastery. Turquoise, on the other hand, is symbolic of protection, good fortune, and friendship. It is believed to encourage its wearer to have self-realization and creative problem-solving.